Vaping Lung Disease is Still Here
The year 2019 saw the introduction of two previously unseen, yet deadly respiratory illnesses: COVID-19 and EVALI. While COVID-19 is grabbing most of the headlines these days, EVALI is still here. COVID-19 is a serious respiratory disease caused by a coronavirus. The first confirmed cases of COVID-19 appeared in China in December of 2019. EVALI, […]
Using Imaging Techniques in the Diagnosis and Management of Ankylosing Spondylitis
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a type of arthritis that typically affects the spine, although it can affect other joints. Imaging technology, such as x-rays, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans can help doctors detect the signs of AS; imaging also helps physicians monitor changes over time and adjust the patient’s treatment plan as needed. […]
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month, which makes it a great time to learn about this serious disease and discover ways to prevent it. About Lung Cancer Cancer is a condition in which abnormal cells grow at a rapid pace to cause tumors. Lung cancer, then, is a disease in which abnormal cells grow in […]
Doctors Increasingly Choose Ultrasound Over CT to Diagnose Appendicitis in Children
An accurate diagnosis is always important, but especially when it comes to diagnosing children with appendicitis. Doctors are now using switching up the technologies they use to make the diagnosis. Appendicitis happens when the appendix becomes inflamed and filled with pus. Left untreated, the appendix can rupture and cause infection throughout the body. Doctors typically […]
FDA Relaxes Guidelines for Mammography During Coronavirus
The COVID-19 pandemic has complicated nearly every aspect of daily life, especially for healthcare professionals and the facilities where they work. Many clinics are overwhelmed with patients; others have had to cut back on the number of workers they employ. It has also complicated care for patients who need diagnostic and screening tests, such as […]
What Does COVID-19 Look Like on a CT Scan?
If you have COVID-19, your doctor might order a CT scan. Have you ever wondered what doctors look for when they review the results of the CT scan? COVID-19 typically causes fever, shortness of breath, and cough. Doctors usually order blood tests, such as PCR and antigen testing, to diagnose the disease. They also use […]
Even Superheroes Can Develop Colon Cancer
When they thought T’Challa died, the fictitious people of Wakanda mourned the loss of their great leader. When we lost Chadwick Boseman in real life, the entire world grieved. The passing of every superhero brings an opportunity for an awakening and a new understanding of things we used to take for granted; Boseman’s passing is […]
Playing it Safe: Returning to Care
Cancer and other life-threatening health conditions haven’t stopped for COVID-19. Now, worrisome modeling should serve as a call to Americans that they need to make that doctor or screening appointment which they postponed earlier in the year. A National Cancer Institute model, examining breast and colorectal cancers, predicts more than 10,000 deaths in the U.S. […]
What You Need to Know about MRI Safety
Your doctor ordered an MRI study to help diagnose a health problem, but you might worry if MRI is safe. You might be relieved to know that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says that MRIs are very safe – doctors perform millions of MRIs every year, and the FDA receives only about 300 […]
What are Hiatal Hernias?
A hiatal hernia is medical conditions in which part of your stomach bulges into your chest cavity. Hiatal hernias are common, especially in older adults. Some people with a hiatal hernia do not know they have one unless their doctor discovers it incidentally while diagnosing or imaging another problem. Other people experience symptoms, such as […]