September 2021

Atherosclerosis is a serious health condition in which calcified plaque builds up inside your arteries. This calcified plaque causes the arteries to become hard and narrow, which can prevent blood from flowing through your veins and increase your risk for blood clots, heart attack, or stroke. But what exactly is calcified plaque? Plaque is a […]

Rotator cuff injuries are common causes of pain and disability among adults in the United States. In fact, nearly 2 million people visit their doctors each year because of rotator cuff problems, according to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. The risk for rotator cuff injuries increase with age. A rotator cuff injury can cause […]

RAI Radiology Affiliates Imaging

Radiology Affiliates Imaging offers highly specialized experience in every facet of radiology, utilizing current and progressive protocols with the most innovative techniques for diagnostic imaging and therapeutic intervention.