FDA Shares New Guidance for Medical Device Manufacturers to Make MRIs Safer
Because it does not use radiation to create images of tissues and organs inside a living body, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one of the safest diagnostic tests used today. While relatively safe, MRIs do pose unique safety hazards for patients and others near or inside the magnetic resonance (MR) environment. To ensure safety and […]
MRI as Good as Cardiac Catheterization for Diagnosing Coronary Heart Disease
When it comes to deciding which treatment is best for patients with chest pain and coronary heart disease (CHD), doctors will typically base the decision on how constricted the arteries serving the heart are. Doctors usually asses this by performing cardiac catheterization, which is an invasive procedure. The results of a new study show that […]
What is Contrast Material and How Does it Work?
If you have ever undergone medical imaging, such as an MRI or CT scan, chances are good that you received contrast. MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging) and CT (computed tomography) are types of medical equipment that creates image of internal organs and structures. Contrast material enhances and improves the quality of these images. Contrast material can […]
American Society of Breast Surgeons (ASBrS) Issues New Mammography Recommendations: Reversing the Trend Towards Later Mammograms
Women at average risk for breast cancer should begin annual mammograms at the age of 40, according to new guidelines issued by the largest organization of breast surgeons in the United States, the American Society of Breast Surgeons (ASBrS). These new recommendations are different from those offered by other medical organizations. The American Cancer Society […]
Cardiac MRI Accurately Identifies Fatal Heart Disease
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), claiming approximately 610,000 lives each year. Doctors use a variety of tests, such as stress echocardiograms, catheterizations and stress nuclear exams, to detect heart disease, assess its severity and […]
Is it Safe to have an MRI Scan with Tattoos? Here is What You Need to Know.
Tattoos are gaining in popularity these days, with four in ten Americans sporting at least one tattoo, according to Statistica. People are more likely to get ink nowadays because tattoos do not carry the taboo they once held. Many people avoided tattoos because they worry that such body art might prevent them from getting a […]
New Study Suggests Doctors can Use MRI Instead of Biopsy to Measure Liver Fat in Obese Patients
Doctors perform a number of tests to monitor the health of their patients. Practitioners are expanding their tests to help them manage certain emerging health issues within the community, such as obesity. Being overweight or obese puts patients at risk for serious health problems. One such obesity-related problem is a condition affecting the liver, known […]